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General Internal Medicine Specialist

Grace Wong, M.D.

Internal Medicine located in Burbank, CA

Having a great internist you know and trust can do wonders for your health, both from a preventive and a treatment perspective. Internist Grace Wong, MD, is the primary care specialist of choice for many men and women from in and around Burbank, California. If you’re looking for a doctor with an unrushed approach and a strong belief in holistic health care, schedule a time to sit down with Dr. Wong and discuss your specific needs and goals. You can book online or by phone.

General Internal Medicine

What does an internist do?

An internist is a physician with specialized training in internal medicine. Internal medicine training paths focus on a wide range of medical subspecialties, including:

  • Infectious disease
  • Endocrinology
  • Gynecology
  • Geriatrics
  • Psychiatry
  • Sleep medicine
  • Orthopedics
  • Rehabilitation medicine

This is far from a comprehensive list. Physicians who choose to specialize in internal medicine receive training across many areas of medical practice, enabling them to provide general health services to a diverse population.

Why choose to work with an internist?

Far too many men and women only seek medical care when they’re sick or when symptoms arise. This approach is sometimes taken based on cost concerns or fear of medical care. More often, however, healthy men and women avoid medical care out of the misconception that there’s no need to work with a doctor unless there is a pressing medical need.

In reality, selecting a great internist and coming in for routine wellness exams is an important part of reaching and maintaining optimal health. Dr. Wong takes the time to perform a comprehensive medical exam and discuss your personal and family health history.

That data is used to compile your personal medical record, an invaluable resource that guides your health care for the rest of your life. The information contained in your record shows changes over time that can indicate serious health issues. It’s also an essential tool if an emergency or a need for specialized care should arise.

Many health problems don’t present symptoms in the early stages, which is also when treatment is often most effective. Building a working relationship with a trusted physician who specializes in general adult medicine has both preventive and restorative benefits.

What happens if I need specialized care?

Dr. Wong effectively diagnoses and manages most general health conditions. However, if she determines you need specialized care, she can guide you toward a specialist who provides that level of care. Over her years in practice, Dr. Wong has developed and nurtured a strong professional network and can help you find a great specialist when needed.

During your care, Dr. Wong remains in close contact with your specialist. That enables her to provide excellent continuity of care once you no longer need the services of a specialist.

An example lies in obstetrics. When you’re ready to add to your family, you’ll need a great obstetrician to assist you on that journey. Once you’ve welcomed your newest family member, Dr. Wong assists you with managing stress and postpartum issues, as well as helping you get back to your pre-baby energy levels and vaginal health.

If you’re looking for a great internist, schedule a visit with Dr. Wong today, online or by phone.